Voyageurs to host eagle seminar

Help us celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Friends of Voyageurs National Park with a special presentation about bald eagles this Friday evening (June 17).
Researchers Dr. Bill Bowerman, Terry Grubb, and Lee Grim have conducted bald eagle research in the park for 25 years.
They, along with a wildlife veterinarian, will share the results of their research during this special presentation.
Grubb has studied bald eagles throughout North America as a researcher for the U.S. Forest Service. Dr. Bowerman is a member of the Northern States Federal Bald Eagle Recovery Team and has studied eagles all over the world.
Grim, meanwhile, is a biologist at the park who has studied birds for more than 34 years.
As a team, these researchers will share their bald eagle research stories and photos, including many pictures of eagles from around the world.
Part of their research included analysis of the blood plasma from eaglets in the park.
This data not only helps scientists learn more about the bald eagles in the park, but the information is used to monitor the health of the environment, such as mercury levels and other contaminants.
The Friends group donated $4,000 to help fund some of this research.
Local author Mary Casanova, who based her book “When Eagles Fall” on her time with the research team, will attend the program and talk about her experience.
Come to the Woodenfrog State Forest Campground Refectory from 7:30-8:30 p.m. for the first evening of Voyageurs National Park’s summer special speakers series.
There is no charge to attend.