United Beef Club 4-H Fun Day

By Carenna Haw
4-H correspondent

The United Beef Club held their annual 4-H Beef Funday this past Saturday, July 31 at 9:00 AM at Neil and Angela Haw’s house.

All members along with their project animals were in attendance along with their families. We had eleven steers and four heifers attend. We started our meeting the pledge and then with the minutes of the previous meeting.

We then reviewed dates, expectations and Covid regulations for the upcoming annual Rainy River District 4-H beef show and 4-H Market Steer Sale at the Emo fairgrounds. The show will be at 8:00 am and the Market Steer Auction will be at 4:00 pm on Saturday August 21st, 2021.

4-H leader Neil Haw then demonstrated clipping on Talon Jenson, Ava Hartnell and Nolan Brown’s project animals. After the clipping was done volunteer Clayton Teeple arrived with the weigh scale to weigh all the animals. Thank you to Clayton for taking the time to come and do this for us. When the weighing was all done the members got ready to practice showmanship with their animals.

We all got our animals ready and started circling around the ring. Leaders Tami LeBlanc, Neil and Angela Haw gave us tips on how to set up our animals so that they look their best. We practiced setting up our animals and how to pull them in and out of position.

Previously in June and July the United Beef Club held three zoom meetings and learned tips and skills for showmanship and sportsmanship in the show ring so we were able to practice these tips at the fun day.

After we were done showmanship we fed and watered our animals and then had lunch with our families.