Sturgeon Creek students enjoy fun day

The weather forced some changes but that didn’t stop Sturgeon Creek students from having fun at their annual winter carnival last Friday in Barwick, complete with a pancake breakfast, hotdog barbecue, games, and awards.
“The parents of the students came, too,” said eighth-grader Matt Neilson, who’s president of the student council.
After a pancake breakfast, the student council divided everyone into teams of about 13 people representing each grade, which competed in the events to accumulate points along the way.
“We had trampoline basketball, soccer, balloon-pop, hockey shoot, steer roping, indoor and outdoor obstacle course, shuffle, and bowling,” said Neilson.
The “Cat” team won the most events to earn the first-place ribbon.
Students later took part in a “Quest for Gold” trivia match, with two teams of four answering questions from the teachers to try and make it to the finals at the end of the school year.
A second match featured younger students answering the questions prepared by the student council.
The winning teams go on to face a second team next week in a race to be first in the school’s Quest for Gold.