Sturgeon Creek holds grad ceremony

Principal Don McBride welcomed everyone as Sturgeon Creek said farewell to its Grade 8 graduates. The theme for this year’s ceremony was “Dreaming, Believing and Achieving.”
The gym was decorated with green/yellow balloons and streamers, with small lights inserted in them, to give it that enchanting atmosphere.
Opening with “O Canada,” the program began with Kristofer Advent’s introduction of a slide show that reflected the graduating students’ activities over the past school year, which included sports, science fair, Christmas concert, etc.
The graduates entered the gym to the processional played by pianist Wayne Barron. Then each one introduced themselves and gave a few brief remarks on their favourite memories of their days at Sturgeon Creek.
Class valedictorian Kari McLean also gave a few remarks about each graduating student. Principal Don McBride, assisted by Darcy Jack, then handed out the diplomas.
The 2002 graduating class, who next will attend either Fort Frances or Rainy River High School, included Kristofer Advent, David Barron, Krista Bazylewski, Ryan Caul, Tyson Caul, Randi Haggberg, Tammy Keeash, Tyler LaBelle, Jaimee Mann, Lloyd Mason, Kari McLean, Matthew McQuaker, Jul Morken, Jay Neilson, Katelyn Nielson, Sarah Truelove, and Andrew VanHeyst.
Presented with awards were Kristofer Advent (academic), Ryan Caul (Ross Irvine Award for male athlete), Kari McLean (female athlete), and Katelyn Nielson (principal’s award).
Principal McBride praised the graduates and wished them well in their future endeavours.
“On the threshold of moving to high school, it will be a little difficult in choosing where [you] attend,” noted McBride. “But you will find the freedom at the high school level.
“No one will be looking over your back, and you will be more responsible.”
McBride also urged the graduates to get involved in activities at high school. “It really is going to be enjoyable,” he said.
Refreshments were available afterwards at the back of the gym.