Irene Laing
It was back to work for the La Verendrye Hospital Auxiliary executive, which met recently after a two-month hiatus.
President Susan Robertson reported that she had received a request from HAAO looking for good news stories about volunteering.
The articles will be collected, printed, and distributed to HAAO members as an inspiration to volunteering.
If auxiliary members have a story on an experience that happened while volunteering that renewed their desire to volunteer, and would like to share them, contact President Susan at 274-7509.
Ann Wood reported on the Lobby Sale that was held Dec. 12.
As always, more baking was needed but the event was successful nevertheless.
President Susan expressed her gratitude to everyone who baked, donated, or worked in any capacity at the sale.
Irene Laing, meanwhile, reported the auxiliary once again will be undertaking the boat raffle in conjunction with the Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship in July.
More details will be available at the March meeting.
It is hoped that ticket sales can begin at the Fort Frances Chamber of Commerce’s annual Business & Community Expo in May.
In other news, two new auxiliary members are now working in the hospital gift shop. But volunteers for the shop and cart are still needed.
These are not demanding jobs. The shop shifts are 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. or 1:30-4 p.m., and members need only work one or two shifts per month.
The cart job takes about an hour and, again, volunteers usually work only one or two afternoons per month.
Members who are interested in either position can contact Ann Wood, who will be happy to provide training.
Social director Janet Lambert reported a very successful Christmas luncheon, with Santa’s visit being the highlight of the day.
She also announced the spring luncheon will be held Monday, March 9 at Hallett Hall (Rainycrest).
The speaker will be Mary O’Connor from the local Alzheimer’s Society.
As usual, a door prize will be offered.
Tickets will be available two weeks beforehand at Shoppers Drug Mart, Pharmasave, and the hospital gift shop.
Ann Wood advised that five members will be receiving their 25-year pins at Riverside’s annual Quarter-Century banquet, which will be held April 1, while two members will be honoured for their 30-year memberships.
Auxiliary historian Joy Lockman reported that all photos and clippings to date have been catalogued.
She expressed her gratitude to the Fort Frances Times for helping to find pictures for the albums.
Dixie Badiuk reported that the “Lobby Lottery” is running smoothly, and that two new members have been added to the list of ticket sellers.
And June Keddie, the Riverside Foundation for Health Care rep, said the Foundation will hold its spring luncheon on May 3 and its fall dinner on Oct. 3.
She advised that the Foundation is planning a joint meeting with all of the four auxiliaries in the near future to do some information sharing and networking.
Finally, the nominating committee for 2015 was set up.
New members to the auxiliary are always welcome and needed, and there always is a need for fresh faces on the executive.
The auxiliary created the position of “Member at Large” as a mentoring process for people who would like to join the executive.
This provides the opportunity to understudy before actually taking on an executive position.
Members who are interested in becoming “Members at Large,” or any executive position, are invited to contact Irene Laing at 274-9560.