The Ontario government has committed to replacing its current species-at-risk legislation—the Endangered Species Act—with a new, more comprehensive bill this year.
The proposed new act could have significant impacts on how farmers conduct their day-to-day farming activities.
Last May, the Ministry of Natural Resources posted a discussion paper on the Environment Bill of Rights (EBR) registry for public comment.
Just under 200 comments were received, including some from the Ontario Federation of Agriculture.
The MNR also set up an advisory panel to make recommendations to the government on the format and content of a new Endangered Species Act.
The advisory panel’s recommendations have been released, and are now open for public comment on the registry until Jan. 22.
While the advisory panel’s comments on the need for, and value of, private land stewardship programs to accomplish the government’s goals around the protection of endangered species, there remain some concerns with the other aspects of the proposal.
The OFA is asking county federations and individual members to respond to this EBR posting before its Jan. 22 close, highlighting the following points:
•no firm commitment to fund adequate private land stewardship programs;
•no commitment to compensate private landowners (i.e. farmers) for restrictions on how their land may be used, should an endangered species be found on their property;
•no clear definition of species “habitat”;
•requests from some environmental NGOs to broaden the legislation to include communities of species;
•no commitment to include farmers and other private landowners in the species listing and recovery planning processes; and
•do not increase penalties from $50,000 to $250,000.
We anticipate the new Endangered Species Act to be introduced after the legislature resumes sitting in late March. Further opportunities for comments should follow introduction on the EBR, and at committee after second reading.
For further information, contact either Paul Mistele (1-519-614-4614) or Peter Jeffery (1-519-821-8883 ext. 206).