Skateboarders show off skills

Stakeboarders from Emo, Devlin, and Fort Frances showed off their skills at the tennis courts Saturday during Spring Fever Days—and also tried to raise a little money at the same time.
Proceeds from a ticket raffle will go towards a skateboarding park to be built in the new recreation sportsfield to be located north of the Emo Cemetery.
Raffle winners included Brian Vargas (SK8 skates and T-shirt courtesy of SK8 Skates in Winnipeg), Jordan Botsford (Tony Hawk Beanie courtesy of Skates and Blades), and Casey Grant (Ghetto Child ball cap from Skates and Blades).
In other news, some of the local go-karts were on display earlier Saturday morning at the Christian Reformed Church parking area. They moved over to Borderland Esso for the rest of the day.
This Friday evening, parents and interested go-karters will get together to discuss rules, regulations, and registration fees. For more info, call 482-2670 (evenings only).