Sea Cadets hold annual inspection

The Fort Frances Royal Canadian Sea Cadets #144 held their annual ceremonial review last Tuesday (May 28) at the Emo-La Vallee Community Centre, with 30 cadets aged 12-18 taking part.
The program started with the cadets standing at attention in their division formation. Upon arrival of reviewing officer Lt. (N) Ryan J. Graham of Thunder Bay, the inspection of the corps began.
Lt. Graham had questions for each cadet, which they answered proudly. They then marched by the review stand, saluting Lt. Graham, who returned the honour.
After the march, the cadets were dismissed and mingled with their parents, grandparents, and friends. It also was the time to view displays of cadet achievements over the year and the adventures they had attended.
Some of the programs local cadets attended included “Swamp Donkey” (survival skills), a sail weekend in Kenora, and rifle ID/training. A dozen cadets also attended Biathlon 2002 in Quebec.
Gunnery Days in Comox, B.C. and the Ceremony of Flags in Victoria, B.C. were two other events attended.
Refreshments and a decorated cake were served by branch vice-president Ann Edwards in the absence of president Betty Grynol.
The cadets later returned to their division formation to receive rank promotions and awards.
Awards were presented as follows:
•Royal Canadian Legion Medal of Excellence—Ryan Newman;
•The Lord Strathcona Trust Medal (for high performance in physical and military training)—PO2 Thomas Edwards;
•Top New Recruit of the Year (female)—OC Morgan Ikert;
•Top New Recruit of the Year (male)—OC Ryan Buckshot;
•Esprit de Corps (exemplifying the common spiirt that exists within corps members)—PO2 Samantha Steele;
•Top Fitness—LC Hannah Firth;
•Perfect Attendance—OC Carrie Jolicoeur, OC Daniel Whiting, AC Bryan Treflin, and AC Emmanual Whiting; and
•Top Cadet of the Year—CPO2 Matthew Trendiak.
Civilian instructor Miss R. LaVigne assisted Training Office Lt. (N) C. LaVigne with the presentation of awards.
Others involved with the Fort Frances Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Corps #144 include Area Cadet Officer Lt. (N) K. Simon CD, Commanding Officer Lt. (N) T. Newman, Supply Officer N/CDT C. Zin, Instructor N/CDT R. Grynol, civilian instructor Mr. R. Maguhn, civilian volunteers Mr. T. Willcot and Miss D. Scott, Cox’N CPO2 R. Newman, and Divisional PO’s PO2 S. Steele and K. Firth.
Talking to most of the cadets, they all said it had been a worthwhile experience.
Bill Whiting gave a brief report on the financial status of the local Sea Cadets. Tag Day raised $749 while the group received $598.25 from the recent Emo Lions Club walk-a-thon (half the share the 12 walkers had raised).
Fundraising events planned include a raffle on a cedar chest. Tickets will be available in the fall, with the draw to be made during annual Christmas party.
The corps was to hold its annual windup barbecue today (June 5) at Lions Park in Emo. Everyone is welcome. Contact Bill Whiting for more information.