Picture This Equipment on order

Submitted by Riverside Foundation for Health Care

All equipment that the Riverside Foundation for Health Care’s Picture This campaign raised funds for is on order with expected arrival and installation dates still being confirmed. “Thanks to the generosity of the community, our district will soon be home to brand new diagnostic imaging equipment,” said Foundation Director Allison Cox. “Not only will the X-ray machines be upgraded from analogue to digital, but the fluoroscopy suite will be getting an elevating table and the Facilities will be receiving a brand-new digital mammography and CT scanner.”

The Picture This campaign set a goal of raising $1.5 million dollars to bring the new Diagnostic Imaging equipment to the district. After only seven months of fundraising, that goal was smashed and over $1.7 million was raised in donations, pledges and monthly 50/50 raffles by January 2022. Because funds above and beyond the goal were brought in, the Foundation was also able to support the purchase of an additional component for the CT scanner. A CT Colonography was ordered at the request of Dr. Eltawil. Having this available at Riverside Facilities means that patients that require further testing after a traditional colonoscopy will be able to do so on site without having to travel to Thunder Bay. As more information is known about the timing of when the new equipment will be operational it will be released. The Riverside Foundation and the Picture This Campaign Cabinet Committee thanks everyone that gave generously towards the campaign.

In addition to the Picture This equipment being ordered, equipment to be purchased through the support of the monthly 50/50 raffles from January 2022 moving forward has been selected.

The proceeds from the Jan-Mar 2022 raffles, approximately $33,000, will be going towards the purchase of a machine to perform PICC line insertions in the chemo department, as well as an anatomically accurate arm to practise PICC line and IV insertions. PICC lines are used to administer chemotherapy. They are inserted into a large vein in the arm and threaded through the vein where they remain for the duration of the patient’s treatment. This removes the need for the patient to have an IV put in every time they come in for treatment. The practise arm will be used in the outpatient unit for training purposes. It can be filled with fake blood so that there is blood return for the person that is learning how to complete the insertion.

The proceeds from the April 2022 raffle moving forward will be put towards the purchase of two spacelab monitors that will be used in the OR. These monitors which come at a price tag of $23,000 each, monitor patients’ pulse, blood pressure, respirations, cardiac rhythms and oxygen saturations. In addition, they monitor end-tidal CO2 when a patient is on a ventilator, arterial pressures when a patient has an arterial line in place and perform electrocardiograms which are necessary to diagnose heart attacks. To date approximately $17,000 has been raised for the spacelab machines so far.

Tickets for the June 50/50 raffle are available at www.riverside5050.ca or by calling the Foundation Office at 274-4803. This month, the $40 ticket bundle which give 250 chances to win was re-introduced. More chances to win for you means the sooner enough funds for the spacelab monitors are raised.

For more information about the Picture This equipment or the monthly 50/50 raffles please contact the Foundation Office.