The second meeting of the Rainy River District 4-H photo club was held July 22 at Kathy Smith’s house in Devlin.
We decided that we now will be called the “Shutterbugs.”
First, we read aloud from our booklets on how to keep our cameras steady, how to take landscape pictures, and tips on storing our cameras.
Then after a brief snack, we went outside to practice our camera skills.
We took photos while blowing bubbles into the shot and then of people throwing a Frisbee. Then we took photos of people in poses and groups using self-timers and tripods.
Our project for the next meeting is to finish our rolls of film and then pick our favourite picture to share with the club.
Also, we are all excited about our next meeting, when we will be going on a field trip to Voyageurs National Park to take more pictures.
Keep smilin’—you could be in someone’s picture!