Ontario Library Week coming

Emo Public Library will be celebrating Ontario Library Week on Oct. 15-19.
An annual opportunity for Ontarians to celebrate the contribution made by public libraries to the lives of millions of people across this province, this year’s theme is “Ontario Public Libraries, For Your Information.”
Public libraries in Ontario are strengthening and expanding one of their most important roles–that of information provider to the community.
Uniquely accessible to the whole of society, public libraries are playing an ever more crucial and effective role in meeting the information needs of communities across Ontario.
An important part of this development has been the adoption by the public library community of province-wide strategies, such as Network 2000 and the Internet-based Information Network for Ontario.
These and other related strategies take advantage of new technologies that link libraries ever more closely with one another and with other sources of information, enabling local libraries to offer their communities a broader range of information sources.
While technology has played a crucial role in the improvement of information services, the hallmark of public library service continues to be the personal guidance and assistance provided by concerned and knowledgeable library staff.
Coffee/cookies will be served at the EPL during this week, and draws made.
“Support our library,” said librarian Shirley Sheppard. “Donations are welcome.”