Next concert to delight

Press Release

The next Border Concert Association presentation for its 2014-2015 series is “An Evening with Rebecca and Kuba.”
After a highly-successful 2012 tour, Kuba returns with another unique show featuring vibraphone and Theremin, but this time showcasing his wife, Rebecca.
Kuba came from Poland with a classical and jazz musical education while Rebecca was a Texan living in L.A. with a penchant for singing and acting in musical theatre.
With successful solo endeavours under both their belts, they decided to join forces and create a variety show.
Their repertoire of diverse styles of music, combined with their chemistry, has been delighting audiences for years—and with no sign of letting up!
Don’t miss this concert on Sunday, March 15 at 7 p.m. at the Backus Auditorium in International Falls.