Dave Ogilvie
Lions Club International is offering residents of Emo and the surrounding communities the opportunity to become members of a new Lions Club.
An organizational meeting of the new club was held Monday (Feb. 1) at the Emo Inn. Response was very positive and several new members joined the group.
District Lions are making plans to apply for a charter for the new club soon.
One of the main purposes of the new organization will be to develop and promote community projects that will be of benefit to those living in Emo and across the central area of the district.
Lions Clubs International is the largest service organization in the world with clubs in more than 200 countries and territories.
With a dedicated group of 25-30, or even more, the new club in Emo will be a positive force for change and improvement in Emo and the surrounding communities.
Anyone interested in becoming a charter member is invited to the next meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 9 at the Emo Inn.
For more information, call Voyageur Lions Club member Jim Martindale at 274-7829 or via e-mail at valsmart@bell.net
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The Emo & District Hospital Auxiliary is holding a draw on a beautiful framed picture taken of Off Lake by Paul Pirie (donated by Bernice Campbell).
This picture is now on display in the hospital cafeteria.
Tickets cost $ 2 each, with proceeds going towards the upgrading of X-ray equipment at the Emo Health Centre.
The draw will be made during the auxiliary’s annual “Strawberry Social” in June.
Meanwhile, the auxiliary’s next big event will be its “Shamrock Tea” on Friday, March 12 in the hospital cafeteria.
Anyone interested in joining the auxiliary can contact Chris Hartry at 487-2556 ($2 membership).
The auxiliary would like to express its appreciation to everyone who continues to support their efforts.
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Tomorrow (Feb. 4), Cloverleaf Grocery will be donating 15 percent of the proceeds for the day (up to a maximum of $10,000) to “Canada for Haiti’.”
Shop at Cloverleaf that day and you will be helping to donate to the people of Haiti (donations will not include purchases of tobacco, lottery tickets, or gasoline).
All money raised will be matched by the Government of Canada.
Cloverleaf would like to challenge other businesses in the district to donate a percentage of their sales to this worthy cause.
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The Rainy River Future Development Corp. is offering a number of interesting videoconferences in February.
“Basics of Exporting” will be offered on Monday, Feb. 8 from 10 a.m.-noon in the RRFDC’s training room located at 608 Scott Street in Fort Frances.
Daria Gawronsky, Business and Trade Services Officer, Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre, will discuss the benefits and challenges of exporting, export opportunities, being export-ready, financing, etc.
The cost of each video session is $5 per person.
To register or to receive a complete list of the conferences, call the RRFDC at 274-3276.
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The next “Country Jam” at the Emo Legion will take place Friday, Feb. 12 starting at 7 p.m.
Last month’s evening of country music was extremely well-attended, with 17 musicians entertaining a capacity crowd.
Everyone enjoyed a fantastic evening of “old-time” dance music until nearly 11:30 p.m.
If you love to dance, or just like to sit and listen to some great music, plan on attending February’s “Jam.”
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The third-annual “Emo Inn Bonspiel” will take place Feb. 19-20 at the Emo curling rink.
The cost of this event is $140 per team, which must be paid in advance.
This is an extremely popular bonspiel, so interested curlers are encouraged to register as soon as possible. There will be prizes for all participating teams.
Action will begin on the Friday at 6 p.m. and continue through to Saturday at 6 p.m. Snacks and refreshments will be provided on Friday evening, and a dinner will be served on Saturday.
Live music on Saturday will be provided by “Centre-Line.”
To register your team, call 482-1440 after 4 p.m.