Instrumental Division
(Monday, April 20)
•Ensembles, Garage Band With Vocalist, Cover Material—1. Bryce Gilbert, Matt Roen, Dylan Ossachuk, Tyson Morrisseau, Lucas Jordain, and Max Williams (Honours)
•Bands and Orchestras, Junior Band—1. FFHS Junior Band (Honours)
•Bands and Orchestras, Intermediate Band—1. FFHS Intermediate Band (Honours)
•Bands and Orchestras, Jazz Band—1. FFHS Jazz Band (First Class Honours)
•Instrumental Duets, Senior—1. Scott Jolicouer (guitar) and Ray Polz (guitar) (Honours)
•Violin Solo, Method Courses, Level 4—1. Alexa Veldhuisen (Honours) 2. Nathan Lampi (Honours)
•Violin Solo, Method Courses, Level 5—1. Mika Kooistra (First Class Honours) 2. Tianna Veldhuisen (Honours)
•Violin Solo, Examination Courses, Grade 6—1. Katelyn Bruyere (Honours)
•String Solo, Popular Music, Senior—1. Mika Kooistra (violin) (First Class Honours) 2. Tianna Veldhuisen (violin) (Honours)
•String Solo, Short Recital Piece, Senior—1. (tie) Hannah Veldhuisen and Tianna Veldhuisen (violin) (Honours) 2. Mika Kooistra (violin) (Honours)
•String Ensemble, Intermediate—1. Katelyn Bruyere (violin) and Scott Jolicoeur (guitar) (Honours)
•String Ensemble, Senior—1. Tianna Veldhuisen (violin) and Mika Kooistra (violin) (First Class Honours)
Marks of 90 or above are awarded a First Class Honours standing; marks of 85-89 are awarded an Honours standing.
All the results, as well as the schedule and programs for each division, can be found at