La Vallee centennial plans in the works

As you may know, the Municipality of La Vallee is celebrating its centennial in 2004.
This is to remind you of the history being prepared. Some family histories—and pictures—already have been sent in but many more are needed.
Send in your family history no matter when they came to this area. It will be interesting to have a kind of “Who’s who” of the three townships, both past and present.
If you have stories or information about the early settlers and the different communities, please share them to help make an interesting book.
Contact Liz Donaldson (486-3439) or Freeda Carmody (486-3338), or leave material at the municipal office. Pictures will be copied and returned so please label any items you submit.
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A special way to spend Mother’s Day is to take part in the fish fry planned for this Sunday (May 12) from 4:30-7 p.m. Cost is $12 for adults, $6 for children age six-10, and free for those five and under.
This is a fundraiser for the Crossroads community rink project.
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The winner of April’s gas draw at Dev-Lynne’s was Brian Halverson, who took home a four-slice toaster. Way to go, Brian!
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An Ag Awareness booth promoting “chicken and eggs” will be at the Clover Valley Farmers’ Market in Fort Frances this Saturday (May 11).
Christine Carpenter, Pat Cornell, and Shirley Morrish will be on hand to share with all who attend. Be sure to stop by for recipes and all kinds of hand-outs.
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There will be another work bee at the Devlin ball diamond this Saturday (May 11) starting at 9 a.m. The two previous work bees proved to be very successful, but there’s still work to be done.
There’s also some screening at the diamond which is up for grabs to anyone interested. Call Nevin Bonot or Gary Greengrass before Saturday.
Slo-pitch action gets underway Monday (May 13), with the next general meeting slated for June 2.
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The next regular 4-H leaders’ meeting is this Monday (May 13) at the Barwick Hall beginning at 7 p.m.
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The annual T.O.P.S. salad supper is coming up Monday, May 27 at the Devlin Hall. This is always a very enjoyable evening so be sure mark it on your calendar!
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Robin’s 2¢:
Steve and Dave were laid off so they went to the unemployment office. When asked his occupation, Steve replied, “I’m an underwear stitcher. I sew the elastic onto cotton panties.”
The clerk looked up “underwear stitcher” and found it classified as unskilled labour. As such, Steve would receive $300 a week in unemployment.
Then it was Dave’s turn. When asked his occupation, he said, “Diesel fitter.” Since diesel fitter was skilled work, Dave would get $600 per week.
When Steve found out, he stormed back into the office to complain. The clerk explained that Steve was an unskilled labourer while Dave was a skilled worker.
“Skilled?” said Steve, outraged. “What skill? I sew the elastic on the panties. Then he holds them up and says, “Yup, diesel fitter.”