Dave Ogilvie
The annual St. Patrick’s Day roast beef supper will be held Tuesday, March 17 at St. Patrick’s Church here in Emo.
This year, admission will be by advanced tickets only, which will be available at Gillons’ or from Jo Bragg and Mary Curtis.
The cost is $15 for adults and $6 for kids aged six-12 years (those five and under are free).
Come out for some Irish food, fun, and fellowship.
Music also will be provided and there no doubt will be a draw or two.
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Registration for the 2015 season of Emo Youth Soccer will take place March 11-12 at the Emo Arena.
The cost per child is $40.
Should you miss these dates, it still will be possible to register your child(ren) before March 26 at the Emo municipal office.
The soccer program is open to kids from pre-schoolers to Grade 8.
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The Emo & District Hospital Auxiliary will be holding its annual Shamrock tea and bale sale on Friday, March 13 at 1:30 p.m. at the Emo Health Centre cafeteria.
Admission will be $3 at the door and everyone is invited to attend.
Come out to support the auxiliary’s projects, visit with friends, pick up some baking, and enjoy a cup of tea.
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The annual World Day of Prayer service will be held Friday, March 6 at 2 p.m. at the Zion Lutheran Church in Fort Frances (1105 Scott St.)
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Northwoods Gallery & Gifts presents its 2015 Bridal Show on Wednesday, March 25 from 6-8 p.m.
Pre-register by calling 274-9224.
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Members of the Lions Clubs in Northwestern Ontario will be attending a leadership institute training session in Mahnomen, Mn. at the end of the month.
The program allows multiple districts and single districts to apply for funding to support leadership training institutes in their own multiple/single district.
The curriculum is based on that of the LCI-sponsored Lions Leadership Institute.
These leadership courses are offered to Lions members all over the world. Members will bring back leadership skills and ideas that will make their clubs stronger and their community a better place to live.
If you are interested in joining a club, all the ones in Rainy River District would love to see you at their next meeting.