Robin McCormick
Guthrie United Church in Devlin is planning to host its annual spring tea on Sunday, April 19.
If you have anything to donate, new items would be greatly appreciated for the penny table.
For more information, contact Pam (486-3634), Trudy (486-3301), or Diane (486-3629).
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Our community would like to send sympathy to Jean Carlson in the sudden passing of his wife, Pam.
Sympathy also is extended to Pam’s family, friends, and co-workers at Rainycrest in Fort Frances.
Her death is a shock to everyone. Hopefully, you can take comfort in knowing the district is thinking of you at this difficult time.
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Sympathy also to the Cornell family in the passing of Gloria Swanson.
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Last week’s card party at the Devlin Hall saw the high going to Dixie Kinnear and Bob McLean, with the low being taken by Beatrice Meyers and Rudy Meyers.
Cards are played every Tuesday at 7 p.m., with the cost being $5 (which includes lunch).
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Last week’s cribbage winners at the Emo Legion were Mary Gavin and Agnes Waldeck, with the low going to Laurie Spanninga and Vic.
Laurie Spanninga also won the draw.
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A reminder the Emo Legion will host its annual Good Friday fish fry on April 10.
The cost is $13/person.
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And don’t forget the Emo Legion will hold its annual soup, sandwich, and beverage luncheon on April 17-18 in conjunction with Spring Fever Days.
The cost is $6.50 each.
As well, tables of crafts and baking will be on display there. If you wish to rent a table fir $10/day, call the Legion at 482-2250.
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Congratulations to Jake Boettcher and Alicia on the birth of their twins—a girl (five pounds, nine oz.) and a boy (seven pounds, 11 oz.)—on Monday (March 23) in Sudbury.
Proud first-time grandparents ate Brenda and Ralph Boettcher.
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Robin’s 2¢:
Billy Bob and Luther were talking one afternoon when Billy Bob told Luther, “Ya know, I reckon I’m ’bout ready for a vacation. Only this year I’m gonna do it a little different.
“Three years ago, you said to go to Hawaii. I went and Earlene got pregnant.
“Then two years ago, you told me to go to the Bahamas—and Earlene got pregnant again.
“Last year you suggested Tahiti and darned if Earlene didn’t get pregnant again.”
“So, what you gonna do this year that’s different?” asked Luther.
“This year I’m taking Earlene with me,” Billy Bob replied.