Dave Ogilvie
A benefit for Shauna (Allen) Smith, who’s been diagnosed and hospitalized with cancer, will take place at the Emo Legion this Saturday (Sept. 26).
Dinner is at 5 p.m., with a live auction starting at 7 p.m.
Live music by local band “Centre-Line” then gets underway at 9 p.m.
Money raised from this event will help the family with ongoing expenses.
The cost for the roast beef dinner is $10, but organizers also will accept donations. As well, collection jars for donations are located at strategic locations around Emo.
Tickets for the dinner can be purchased from Shirley McQuaker, Donna Haglin, and Kelly (Faragher) Teeple at the CIBC in Emo.
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The Emo-La Vallee-Chapple Healthy Communities Coalition will host a health fair on Saturday, Oct. 17 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Emo Legion.
It will appeal to people of all ages, with the coalition currently looking for organizations and businesses that provide programs and services related to health and well-being to set up displays.
There is no cost to set up a display, though organizers are asking all exhibitors to provide a draw prize at their booth.
Anyone wishing to put in a display can contact Siobhan Booth at 482-2211 ext. 222.
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This month’s “Country Jam” at the Emo Legion was another success.
Despite a few musicians being absent for various reasons, the music was well-received by an enthusiastic crowd. People were dancing, clapping, and singing along to many of the well-known selections.
The addition of a couple of new musicians helped the regular band members provide some very entertaining music.
The next “Jam” already is scheduled for Oct. 16.
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The monthly men’s breakfast at the Emo Legion this past Saturday was attended by a slightly smaller-than-average group.
After an excellent meal, those on hand listened to guest speaker Ervin Gonske, a missionary who spent 20 years working in Pakistan and India.
Gonske recounted his experiences in that area of the world, and of his travels through Afghanistan, Iraq, and several other countries.
The “Men’s Breakfast” group meets on the third Saturday of every month at the Emo Legion starting at 8 a.m.
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The Community Country Club, in conjunction with the Emo-La Vallee-Chapple Healthy Communities Coalition, recently held another country “tour.”
This month, Carole Guidon and Heather Oltsher provided the group with some excellent information about France. They also explored the country’s connection to Canada and how France influenced the development of French culture in our country.
Those on hand also learned about the history of France, some famous French citizens, and famous French architecture.
The tour concluded with some French music, food, and a “substitute” wine.
Passport-holders and others interested in attending the group’s next educational “tour” should watch for posters around Emo.
If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer to be a presenter at the next session, call Siobhan Booth at 482-2211 ext. 222.
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Construction of the spray park in Emo is well underway, but volunteers are need in the next couple of weeks to help finish the work.
If you have some spare time or equipment that could be used in completing this task, call Dave at 482-2540 or Lincoln at 482-1548.
Meanwhile, if you have not purchased a memorial/honour brick but would like to do so, it is not too late.
Forms can be picked up at the Emo municipal office or by going online to http://www.vitaluna.net/brick_orderform.pdf
The committee also will accept donations of any size. Problems at the company’s end have created delays and added to the cost of the project.
If you can help the committee reach its goal of getting the park finished this month, it would greatly appreciate your support.
Tax receipts will be sent out from the municipal office.