First Nations get flood relief

The Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development is opening a disaster relief office and will begin processing claims for financial compensation from First Nations residents in Rainy River District who were impacted by the recent heavy rainfall and flooding.
The department has appointed Sonny McGinnis, Issues Management Officer, to assume the responsibilities for the new office, which will be located at the Couchiching First Nation Bingo Hall.
McGinnis begins his new posting Monday (July 8). He can be reached at 274-9042.
He will take applications from First Nations residents, help fill out the forms, and visit communities to help people apply for help, if necessary. He’ll also arrange for adjusters to inspect and report on damage in First Nation communities.
Residents have until July 31 to file damage claims.
So far, 13 First Nations are being monitored for flooding effects, including Anishnaabeg of Naongashiing, Big Grassy, Naicatchewenin, Couchiching, Nicickousemenecaning, Ojibways of Onigaming, Rainy River (Manitou Rapids), Seine River, Lac La Croix, Stanjikoming, Northwest Angle 33, Northwest Angle 37, Naotkamegwanning, Iskatewizaagegan No. 39, and Shoal Lake No. 40.
Other First Nations will be checked for damage.