EWC looking for vendors

Dave Ogilvie

The Emo Walleye Classic is looking for interested individuals/groups to be outside vendors during this year’s tournament, which will run May 28-30.
This is an excellent money-making opportunity.
If you are interested in providing a food booth, or you just need more information, call 482-2234 or e-mail info@emowalleye.com
The EWC also is looking for volunteers to help out with this year’s tournament.
If you are in need of community hours to graduate from high school and would like to volunteer for the Emo Walleye Classic, contact Carrie Baker at 482-2234.
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The Emo Public Library is looking for donations of used books for its “Spring Fever” book sale.
If you have any used books you’d like to donate, drop them off at the library during regular hours.
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The Emo Legion is hosting another Country Music Jam this Friday (April 3) anytime after 7 p.m. in the Legion Hall. Come to sing, play, dance, or just listen.
Entertainers take turns choosing music while other performers join in. There also is room to dance.
Last month’s “jam” was a huge success so don’t miss this one!
Some light snacks will be available, as well.
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The fifth season of the Emo youth soccer league will start Tuesday, April 28 (weather permitting).
Games will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30-7:30 p.m. (soccer only will be cancelled if there is severe weather such as a thunderstorm).
Players are required to wear shin guards, which can be purchased at local hardware and sports stores. Soccer cleats are permitted, but are not necessary.
Players also are asked to wear their team shirt and bring their water bottle to all games. Drinks and snacks, however, will be available at the canteen.
Each evening will consist of 15-20 minutes of skill development, followed by a 40-45 minute game. Team schedules will be posted by the canteen.
Parents are encouraged to have their children at the field five-10 minutes before the start of each evening, and then stay to cheer on their team.
If you would be interested in helping, the league could use your assistance. The season would not be possible without the dedicated help of the coaches.
In related news, a “work bee” is scheduled for Saturday, April 25 at 10 a.m. Plan to come out and get the Emo Sportsfield ready for this year’s soccer action.