Emo raises residential taxes

Emo council has raised residential taxes by five percent this year to offset the cost of many projects, including a water intake system for the river and a sportsfield.
The township was facing a deficit of $50,000, Emo Reeve Russ Fortier said.
“We had to increase the levy but not a lot,” confirmed town clerk/administrator Brenda Cooke.
Council has many projects that need to begin soon. There also was a capital debt on recycling.
“We’ve got money set aside for everything but the biomass [landfill project],” said Cooke. “If you’re looking at our operations and projects, there’s the big sidewalk project downtown that will cost about $40,000.”
In other council news:
•Harrold Boven was appointed as Emo’s rep on the Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program committee;
•the Emo brochure meeting was set for July 16;
•a resolution was passed to make a payment to the public and separate school boards; and
•Reeve Fortier will write a letter to residents explaining new recycling procedures in Emo, including the need for “blue bags.”
Emo council only meets once a month during the summer. Its next meeting is slated July 24.