Given the increase of land-use planning at the municipal level, as well as concern for the environment, local resident David Ogilvie presented Emo council with the idea of striking up an environmental advisory committee (EAC).
“With all the downloading from the government, there is pressure on council to make the proper decisions,” he noted at last Tuesday night’s regular meeting.
“An EAC would look at the background, what needs to be accomplished and just give advice—straight facts and research,” he added.
Ogilvie said the environmental advisory committee—made up of appointed community members—could give advice on a variety of topics, such as the proposed bio-mass project, tree planting, or any other form of land-use.
It could offer advice on broad issues, like recycling or water quality, or have a particular focus.
“They’d be there to help you do the job you were elected to do,” Ogilvie added. “They’d do the work behind the scenes and report back to you.”
EACs are not new to municipal government. According to Ogilvie’s research, of the 447 municipalities across Ontario, 36 have one.
“If you decide to go ahead with this, we could be the smallest community in Ontario with an EAC,” he noted.
Ogilvie explained EAC members act as volunteers who freely provide their expertise and experience related to conservation and the environment, and would meet once a month on a week-day evening.
“I’m not here campaigning for the job, I’m just here to sell the idea,” he added, suggesting if the township wanted more information, it could contact some of the other municipalities which already have them in place.
And while no decision was made at the meeting, council seemed receptive to the proposal.
“It’s a good idea,” remarked Coun. Gary Judson. “Unless we’ve got a committee to look into things, we could get caught with our pants down.”
“Us councillors all have jobs, so it would be good for people to look into it who have the time,” agreed Coun. Ken Fisher.
In other news from the Jan. 9 meeting, Emo council discussed a request made by Contact North to use the office in the east end of the OPP building there.
The distance education network would like to set up a centre in the community for residents to take advantage of the programs offered.
“I think it would be super,” noted Coun. Fisher. “It would be nice for them to be able to get post-secondary education here.”
“It’s an opportunity for people who can’t drive to Fort Frances,” echoed Coun. Gerd O’Sullivan.
The Northwestern Health Unit in Emo previously occupied the office through a sublet, but it was noted Contact North hopes to pay no rent on the space.
The township currently leases the building from the Ontario Realty Corp.
“If we help three or four people, it would be great,” said Emo Reeve Ed Carlson, though stressing the terms of a contract also would need to be discussed.
“Maybe we could have a one-year trial, as a trial for them and a trial for us,” he added.
Also at last Tuesday night’s meeting, council:
•appointed Coun. O’Sullivan as deputy reeve;
•discussed with Public Works superintendent Dan Wilson concerns of garbage from outside the community being unloaded at the local dump as well as repairing the Emo curling rink bell tower;
•approved a preventative bylaw in the event money needs to be borrowed to meet the current expenditures for 2007;
•passed a bylaw to authorize payment of re-occurring accounts in 2007;
•accepted the resignation of Will Hay from the Emo Fire Department;
•approved that Pete McQuaker and Ed Bullied attend the Health and Safety for Supervisors and Managers Training Program in Fort Frances;
•agreed to support the Town of Fort Frances regarding the AMCTO Zone 9 spring meeting proposal;
•tabled the decision to start up a local KidSport chapter in order to speak with surrounding communities;
•agreed to donate $100 to the second-annual Women’s Health Symposium taking place May 12 in Fort Frances; and
•appointed Lynda Mann to fill the position on the Emo Cemetery and Parks committee.
Emo council’s next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 23 at 7 p.m. at the municipal office.