Not only were Emo Reeve Ed Carlson and council sworn into office at last Tuesday’s inaugural meeting, they also were appointed to serve on numerous committees and boards during the regular meeting that followed.
One of the most sought positions was Emo’s seat on the Rainy River District Social Services Administration Board (DSSAB).
“There is so much going on there right now, I’d really like to stay on,” said Coun. Gary Judson, who has served as Emo’s rep on the board in the past.
“Things are kind of messy there now and I know what’s been happening,” he added, giving a brief overview of the newly-purchased building that is slated to house DSSAB’s offices.
But Gerd O’Sullivan, the lone newcomer elected to Emo council last month, said she also was interested in trying her hand at the position.
“I wouldn’t mind getting in there,” she remarked.
“This is a really important board to the taxpayers,” said Reeve Carlson. “It’s crucial to get a report back after each meeting so we can stay in step with what’s happening.
“We should make sure we always have someone there,” he stressed.
Ultimately, it was decided Coun. Judson would stay on as the DSSAB rep, but that Coun. O’Sullivan would be the alternate in the event he cannot make it to a meeting.
Reeve Carlson and council also were appointed to other positions:
•Emo-La Vallee Community Centre Board—Couns. Judson and Ken Fisher;
•Emo Recreational Council—Couns. Judson and Harriet (Harri) Sheloff;
•Emo Public Library—Reeve Carlson and Coun. Sheloff;
•Emo Toy Library/Resource Centre Advisory Committee—Reeve Carlson and Coun. Sheloff;
•Emo Volunteer Fire Department Committee—Couns. Fisher and Judson;
•Human Resource Committee—Reeve Carlson;
•Municipal Personnel Committee—council as a whole;
•Emo Public Works/Water and Sewer Facilities Committee—council as a whole;
•Parks and Cemetery Committee—Couns. Fisher and O’Sullivan;
•Health and Safety Committee—council as a whole;
•Community Emergency Management Committee—Reeve Carlson;
•Planning Advisory Committee—Coun. Fisher;
•Canada Day Committee—council as a whole;
•Emo Chamber of Commerce—Reeve Carlson;
•Emo Walleye Classic—Reeve Carlson;
•Rainy River Future Development Corp.—Coun. Fisher;
•Recycling/Bio-Mass Co-Generation Plant Committee—council as a whole;
•Rainy and Namakan Lakes Water Level Advisory Committee—Coun. Judson;
•Rainy River District Municipal Association—Reeve Carlson;
•Rainy River District Women’s Institute Museum—Coun. Judson; and
•Handi-Transit Service System—Coun. O’Sullivan.
Community members and municipal staff also sit on several of the committees alongside the elected officials.
In other business at last Tuesday’s regular meeting, Emo council:
•discussed arranging entertainment, a door prize, and gift bags for the Rainy River District Municipal Association’s annual general meeting on Jan. 27, which Emo is hosting;
•passed a resolution enabling Randy Cooke to fill the vacant Emo-La Vallee Community Centre Board position;
•discussed support of the Donald Young School family literacy celebration slated for Jan. 25 from 4 p.m.-8 p.m.; and
•discussed a quotation to repair the roof at the Emo curling rink around the bell tower, but tabled the resolution until methods to fix the problem could be talked over.
Emo council’s next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 9 at 7 p.m. at the municipal office.