Donald Young School said farewell to its Grade 8 students during recent graduation exercises at the school gym attended by family and friends.
The graduates included Van Paul Allan, Kristina Bombay, Nathan Brigham, Allan Hunsperger, James Kaemingh, Tyler Kinnear, Daniel Lalonde, Ian Lougheed, Stephanie Markewich, Donald Matheson, Gordon Matheson, Sarah O’Sullivan, Eric Soucy, Aurelle Stoessinger, Richard Wieringa, and Cartier Wilson.
The processional was played by Mrs. Mose, followed by “O Canada” and the seating of the graduates.
Principal Bob Derkson welcomed everyone to this year’s ceremony, then James Kaemingh introduced the guest speaker—former DYS principal Nancy Fretter.
Her address was one of encouragement to the graduating students, giving them special pointers to follow as they go on to different fields in furthering their education.
Eric Soucy thanked Mrs. Fretter for her supportive message that will be helpful to each student.
Award presentations were as follows:
•DYS Citizenship—Kristina Bombay;
•Chamber of Commerce—Cartier Wilson/Donald Matheson;
•Ontario Principal Council—Kristina Bombay;
•Dorothy Bonot Memorial—Sarah O’Sullivan; and
•DYS Athletic Award—Richard Wieringa.
Chaperones were presented with appreciation awards made by students O’Sullivan, Wieringa, and Gordon Matheson.
Derkson then read out the names of the graduates while Ms. Tolen handed out the diplomas.
Afterwards, valedictorians Sarah O’Sullivan and Gus Hunsperger gave their address, followed by a musical selection presented by the Grade 7 girls.
A video presentation was shown by Ms. Tolen, after which Danny Lalonde presented pianist Mrs. Mose with a bouquet of flowers. Derkson then gave a wrap-up of the 2002 year and activities.
Two other awards were presented the following day.
The Bullied Memorial (presented to a Grade 7 student) went to A.J. Bombay while the Shine Memorial (presented to a Grade 3 student) was shared by Krista Emond and Adam Sliworsky.