Drama divisions open Festival

The Rainy River District Festival of the Performing Arts opened Tuesday with French drama performance, followed by English drama yesterday.
The English drama portion also continues today and tomorrow, with piano performances set for next week.
Marks of 90 or above are awarded a First Class Honours standing while marks of 85-89 are awarded an Honours standing.
All the results, as well as the schedule and the programs for each division, can be found on the festival website at ff-festival.com
French Drama
(April 7)
•French Solo Poetry, Grades 9-12 (Core French)—1. Cole Turcotte 2. Larissa McKelvie
•French Solo Poetry, Grades 9-12 (French Immersion)—1. Libby Paleczny (Honours) 2. Cameron Penney
•Choral Speaking, Grades 3 and 4—1. Robert Moore School Grade 4 (First Class Honours)
•Solo Poetry, Grades 5 and 6—1. Greta Fedoruk (First Class Honours)
•French Solo Poetry, Grades 7 and 8—1. Janissa Judson (First Class Honours) 2. Michael Foy (Honours)
•French Duet Poetry, Grades 7 and 8—1. Jenna Mose and Julia McManaman (Honours) 2. Kamryn Sandelovich and Jamie Spencer (Honours)
•French Duet Prose Reading, Grades 7 and 8—1. Ashley Payne and Maren Scott
English Drama
(April 8)
•Choral Speaking, Grade 1—1. (tie) Robert Moore School (Hue Eldridge and Jennifer Burns) and St. Michael’s School (Carla Harris) 2. Robert Moore School (Debra Ross)
•Choral Speaking, Grade 2—1. Robert Moore School (Debra Ross)
•Choral Speaking, Grade 3—1. St. Michael’s School (A. Gurski) 2. (tie) Robert Moore School (B. Booth and B. Eldridge) and Robert Moore School (Jennifer Burns)
•Reader’s Theatre, Grade 4—1. Robert Moore School (C. Gibson) (Honours)
•Choral Speaking, Grade 4—1. Robert Moore School (Jan Hugo)
•Humorous Solo Poetry, Kindergarten—1. Layne Gibson (Honours) 2. (tie) Cassandra Armstrong and Benjamin Latter
•Serious Solo Poetry, Kindergarten—1. Cassandra Armstrong (Honours)
•Serious Solo Poetry, Grade 1—Alexis Latter (Honours)
•Duet Poetry, Grade 1—1. Alexis Latter and Rachel Ste. Croix (Honours)
•Humorous Solo Poetry, Grade 2—1. Taryn Oster (Honours) 2. (tie) Ryan Brown and Aubrey Eldridge
•Humorous Prose Reading, Grade 5 and 6—1. Christian Wiedenhoeft (First Class Honours) 2. Jenaya DeBenetti (Honours)
•Serious Solo Poetry, Grade 5—1. Christian Wiedenhoeft (First Class Honours) 2. Olivia Eldridge (Honours)
•Humorous Solo Poetry, Grade 6—1. Jenaya DeBenetti
•Religious Reading, Grade 5 and 6—1. Christian Wiedenhoeft (Honours)