Earlier on their vacation, Hans and Elsie Duetsck experienced vandalism in Baltimore, first losing some tools and then having their van greased up.
Fortunately, it was a chemical easily removed.
“The rest of the journey thus far has been great,” he noted. “Nice scenery, pleasant weather, [and] friendly people.”
The couple shipped their van from Switzerland to the port of Vancouver and two weeks later they flew in. It’s cheaper this way, instead of renting a vehicle in Canada and travel through designated locations,” added Hans. One other minor problem was, nothing electrical in the van worked due to the low voltage wiring.
It is a strange thing since the couple have no relatives on the continent they met up with friends wherever they are parked overnight. Arie and Audrey Border from Emo just happened to be staying overnight in Steinbach and met up with the Duersck’s, with conversation going back and forth, the tourist couple were invited to visit our community and spent a few days taking in the scenery. “It’s been wonderful here,” noted Elsie Duetsck, it is quiet and peaceful not to say the least relaxing. They love to travel through smaller towns getting away from the large city busy streets.
Mr. Duetsck has taken an earlier retirement due to a heart attack. He’s been enjoying fairly good health for the past four years of retirement from his position as carpenter supervisor at a furniture factory. At an early age, Hans had his mind on being a carpenter in profession and continued in this trade throughout his life. Elsie, also retired for two years had worked in a office, looking after the social life in the community and had volunteered her services in this area numerous times. She enjoys working with people.
“he couple have three sons, not have any daughters,” Hans said, we have three wonderful daughter-in-laws that make up the difference and five grandchildren, four girls and one boy. A happy knitted family.
Their two month trip commenced in July will end shortly the couple will ship their van back to Switzerland from Baltimore and fly home from there to return in the near future to have another scenic trip in another direction, meeting more friends and possibly renewing acquaintances with the ones they’ve vacationed with this time around.