‘Country Blend’ to play in Emo

A “Tribute to the Legends of Country Music” will be held on Friday, Sept. 5 at the Emo Legion starting at 7 p.m. The group “Country Blend”, who have recorded 6 CD’s, will be performing the music of Dolly, Patsy, Loretta, Kitty, Jeannie, Del Wood, Hank Williams Jr., Johnny Cash, the Statler Brothers, Willie Nelson and many more.
Tickets for $20 will be available at Dev-Lynne’s, Greenside’s General Store, Cloverleaf, Emo Laundromat, Fort Frances Times, 364 Store, Northwoods Gallery & Gift, Rainy River Record, Stratton Community Store and Barwick Village Restaurant.
There will be a cash bar and a light lunch will be provided.
The proceeds will benefit the 1938 Dance Fire Memorial. For more information, contact Karen at 486-3657.
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Just a reminder, your tracking sheets are due for the Emo-La Vallee-Chapple Healthy Communities Coalition. Make sure you fill in the back of the Health Challenge calendar/tracking sheet with your name, age category, town, phone number and total hours of physical activity for the month. Tracking sheets can be dropped off at the Health Unit office in Emo or faxed to 482-1678.
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The next meeting of the Emo Council is on September 9 at 7 p.m. in the Council Room at the Emo Municipal Office.
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Border Concert Tickets for the 2008-2009 series will be available soon across the district or from Border Concert Directors. Watch for further information and for places to purchase tickets. This year’s concert series, consisting of five shows, begins Friday, Sept. 26 at Backus Auditorium in International Falls, Minnesota.
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Just a reminder, the final “Concert in the Barn” will take place at Cornell Farms on Friday, Sept. 26 at 7:30 p.m. The featured artist this time is TNile (Tamara Nile), whose music has been described as banjo-fuelled acoustic rock.
She was recently awarded the title of “best new/emerging artist” and was nominated for the Best Contemporary Vocalist at the Canadian Folk Music Awards. She has played to sold out venues in Canada, Alaska, Germany and Denmark.
Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. More information about Nile can be found on her webpage, at www.tamaranile.ca
Tickets are available from Cornell Farms (486-3477), Greensides Store in Devlin, Clover Valley Farmers’ Market (Cornell Farms Booth) or from Fort Frances General Supply. If you plan on attending make sure you get your tickets early.
Cornell Farms is located 10 minutes west of Fort Frances on Hwy 11/71 and 1 mile north on La Vallee Road North.