A community group has been struck to come up with the $500,000 needed to make the Emo Health Centre ready for the 12 long-term care beds slated to transfer there from Rainycrest Home for the Aged next April 1.
At a meeting attended by some 15 catchment area reps last night, a core group was formed to co-ordinate fundraising activities. It will meet again in two weeks to formulate a plan of attack.
“We are optimistic we can do it, with the co-operation of the people that this hospital services,” said Norma Elliott, director of services in both Emo and Rainy River for Riverside Health Care Facilities Inc., adding any fundraising would be done in co-operation with the new Riverside Foundation for Health Care.
“The foundation really is the fundraising arm of the corporation, which is Fort Frances, Emo, and Rainy River,” she noted.
The fundraising kickoff will be held during the Emo Fair in August but details still have to be worked out. Until then, the group plans to contact service groups and agencies to invite them to get involved.
Elliott noted $300,000 in reserve funds already was committed to the project, adding Riverside also has applied to the Ministry of Health for $1.2 million in funding.
The renovations are required at the Emo Health Centre to meet government standards for long-term and acute care beds.
Anyone wanting to get involved can contact Elliott, Gerd O’Sullivan, or Janet Young.