Chapple planning Family Day fun

Dave Ogilvie

The annual general meeting of the Chapple recreation committee was held Monday (Jan. 11) at 6 p.m. at the Chapple Hall.
This year’s committee members include Marvis Darrah, Wellington Gibson, Trevor Judson, Davis McKelvie, George Oltsher, and Rilla Race (Chapple council rep).
Other community members who have attended and contributed in the past include Justin Borger, Oscar Burnell, Mary Croswell, Crystal Grey (past recording secretary), Chris Hartry, Dorothy Huitikka, Peggy Johnson (Chapple municipal clerk), Matt Loughrey, Angel Low, Ruth Teeple, and Brad Townsend.
Councillors Mark Hyatt and Rick Neilson also were on hand for the meeting.
The committee is hoping for more support from the community. If you are interested in becoming a member, give the municipal office a call at 487-2354.
The 2009 projects were reviewed by those in attendance. Coun. Race, on behalf of Chapple council and the community, thanked all the volunteers for their work.
The financial statement also was reviewed and expenditures approved.
The executive positions for the coming year will stay the same, with Percy Champagne (chair) and Heather Oltsher (vice-chair).
The position of recording secretary remains open.
Meanwhile, plans are well underway for Family Day on Feb. 15.
Tentative plans include the committee serving hot chocolate and hotdogs. There also will be a large bonfire to help keep everyone warm.
Activities on Chapple’s new outdoor rink will include figure skating tips for the little ones (1-2 p.m.), public skating (2-3 p.m.), broomball (3-4 p.m.), and shinny hockey for the older boys and girls from 4 p.m. until they drop.
There also will be a pile of snow for sliding.
Also be sure to bring your snowshoes and cross-country skis and enjoy Barwick’s park area on Family Day.