Dave Ogilvie
The annual Boxing Day bonspiel was held at the Emo Curling Club on Saturday, with nine team digging themselves out of a snowy Christmas in order to participate in the annual competition.
Breakfast began at 8 a.m., with the curling getting underway around 9.
The canteen, which was open all day, kept serving up refreshments and drinks to the curlers and everyone who came to watch.
After a day of friendly competition, the rink of Grant Meyers was declared the winner.
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Congratulations and very best wishes to Carson and Iris McQuaker on the occasion of their 65th wedding anniversary yesterday (Dec. 29).
A family celebration was held Sunday (Dec. 27) at Rainy River Health Centre where Iris resides.
The community of Stratton wishes to extend hearty congratulations to the couple, as well.
Carson and Iris were married in Emo, Ont. in 1944.
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The Royal Canadian Legion Br. #99 in Emo is hosting a “funspiel” on Jan. 22-23 at the Emo Curling Club.
Open to all interested parties, the entry fee is $25 per person, which includes the banquet to be held on the Saturday night.
To register, call Legion sports chairman Vernon Thompson at 482-2499.
The registration deadline is Jan. 18.
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The Rainy River Future Development Corp. will be holding videoconferences during the month of January.
All conferences cost only $5 and will be held at the RRFDC’s training room (608 Scott St. in Fort Frances) starting on Jan. 6.
The topics will cover subjects that pertain to owning and operating a small business.
Anyone interested in attending any of these workshops should contact Angela Halvorsen at 274-3276.
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The Emo Chamber of Commerce’s annual “Beautiful Baby” contest, which was held at Meyers Clothing in Emo, wrapped up on Christmas Eve.
The winners were Oscar and Harley Burnell (first place), Chloe Anderson (second place), and Brayden Walter (third place).
The contest raised $456.10, which will be donated to the Emo spray park.
Meyers Clothing and the Chamber of Commerce would like to thank all the babies who entered the contest—and all the shoppers who placed their bids during December.
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Volunteers are needed to sit on the Emo recreation committee and the Emo Toy Library/Resource Centre advisory committee.
If you are interested in becoming a member, contact the township office when it re-opens on Jan. 4.