Board given e-learning update

The Rainy River District School Board was provided with an update and demonstration of the 2007-08 E-Learning Initiative at its regular meeting here last night.
For the past four years, videoconference courses were offered across the secondary schools within the board, explained Chris Denby, Information Technology program co-ordinator for the board.
“This method of delivery provided an opportunity to students to gain credits that may not have been available otherwise due to under-loading and staff availability,” he said.
Denby did add, however, that there is a new approach being promoted province-wide that uses Learning Management Systems to deliver courses online.
The courses are taught by local teachers, and students complete the courses during class time while using computers in a supervised room.
This year, there are six courses being offered through E-Learning:
•Semester one—Grade 11 Introduction to Financial Accounting out of Rainy River High School, Grade 12 English Writer’s Craft out of Atikokan High School, and Grade 11 Computer and Information Science out of Fort Frances High School.
•Semester two—Grade 12 Principles of Financial Accounting (RRHS), Grade 12 Organizational Studies (AHS), and Grade 12 Computer and Information Science (FFHS).
Denby explained the courses are treated like regular classes with the same capacity, work load, and assignments. There also is a demonstration video available online, as well as a tool to enable conversation among class members and the teacher.
He added it provides a flexible learning space and the opportunity for students to receive content they might not be able to otherwise.
As well, it offers valuable challenges, such as self-discipline and the ability to meet short-term and long-term goals, and prepares them for the advancing technological age.
Also at last night’s meeting, the board:
•heard from Dianne DeBenedet regarding the Coaching/Co-Teaching Model;
•heard reports on the Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee and Special Education Advisory Committee meetings (both held last month);
•voted on policies regarding school visitors and aboriginal student voluntary self-identification; and
•received reports on the Enhancing School Effectiveness through Professional Learning framework, the Fall Harvest Celebration, and the After-School Tutoring Program.
The public school board’s next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m. at Robert Moore School.