Annual card party slated Saturday

Dave Ogilvie

The Royal Canadian Legion Br. #99 in Emo is hosting the annual “Betty Kellar Memorial” card party this Saturday (Jan. 9) starting at 1 p.m.
Everyone is welcome.
Please register prior to the party by calling the Legion at 482-2250.
In related news, the Emo Legion will host a “funspiel” on Jan. 22-23 at the Emo curling rink.
This event is open to all. The entry fee is $25 per person, which includes the banquet being held on the Saturday night.
To register, call Legion sports chairman Vernon Thompson at 482-2499.
The registration deadline is Monday, Jan. 18.
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The Fort Frances Lakers held a practice at the Emo-La Vallee Arena on New Year’s Eve.
Following the official practice, members of the Emo-Devlin-Barwick Minor Hockey Association were invited to practice with the Lakers, who were only too glad to share their knowledge of the game with the eager young players.
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The Northwestern Ontario Innovation Centre is hosting a series of business workshops in the coming weeks.
The workshops, entitled “2010: a Web Odyssey,” will be held Thursdays (Jan. 21, Jan. 28, and Feb. 12) from 11:45 a.m.-1:15 p.m. in their training lab, which is located in Room 2011 on the second floor of their office at 1294 Balmoral St. in Thunder Bay.
If you have a business on the Internet, then you are invited to attend this workshop series and learn from a panel of experts how to take your web marketing to the next level.
The first session, “Turbo Charge Your Online Strategy,” will help participants discover how to maximize their web marketing and explore new revenue frontiers.
The cost to attend is $60 for the series or $25 per session (both prices include lunch and GST).
To register, visit or call 1-807-768-6628.
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The Rainy River Future Development Corp. will be holding more videoconferences this month.
On Jan. 12, the topic will be “So You Want to Start a Not-For-Profit–Good Things to Know Before You Do Good,” followed by a “GST Information Workshop” on Jan. 13 and “Tips & Tools for Starting a Business” on Jan. 14.
The workshops will be held from 10 a.m.-noon at the RRFDC’s training room (608 Scott St.)
The cost for each workshop is only $5 per person. Anyone interested should contact RRFDC at 274-3276.
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The 10th season of the Borderland Community Orchestra continues with two winter “Pops” concerts.
The first concert will take place Jan. 26 at 7 p.m. at Donald Young School in Emo. It is a fundraiser for the DYS drama department.
Their second concert will take place Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. at Backus Auditorium over in International Falls.
This amazingly exciting concert features many well-known popular tunes such as “Pirates of the Caribbean,” “Phantom of the Opera,” “Lord of the Dance,” and “Peter and the Wolf” featuring special guest, Diane Maxey.
The orchestra also is very excited to have retired Fort High music teacher John Dutton taking a turn at the podium as conductor.
Everyone is welcome.
Please come out to support the BCO as they celebrate their 10th season.