‘Country Jam’ set to resume Friday

Dave Ogilvie
Emo correspondent

The next “Country Jam” at the Emo Legion will be held this Friday (Jan. 11) starting around 7 p.m.
New musicians are more than welcome to drop in to the jam. Just bring your own equipment and set up as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, if you enjoy old-time country music, plan on attending. Admission is only a toonie, which goes towards heating (or cooling) costs.
The bar also will be open for pop or adult refreshments while the kitchen staff will be available to cook up some snacks at a reasonable price.

The next men’s fellowship breakfast will be held Saturday, Jan. 19 at 8 a.m. at the Emo Legion.
Dr. Phil Whatley will be this month’s guest speaker.
Come for delicious breakfast while enjoying fellowship with old and new friends.
Men and boys of all ages are welcome, with the cost being $12/person.
For more information, call Larry at 482-3104.

A capote-making workshop, with instructors Caren Fagerdahl and Janes Trivers, will be held Feb. 16 and 23 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Seven Generations Education Institute (lunch provided).
The $45 base price covers sewing materials but participants still need to buy a blanket (prices vary).
For more info or to register, call Laura at 274-7891 (registration must be accompanied by payment).

The Voyageur Lions and the Emo and District Lions would like to thank all the brave souls who jumped into the icy waters of Sand Bay on Jan. 1 for this year’s “Polar Plunge.”
Thanks, as well, to the generous people who donated to the various causes and who came out in the cold to cheer on their favourite jumpers.
Both clubs would like to see more participation next year. It is an excellent way to raise money for your group or charity.
Your club or team keeps half the money raised while the other half goes to the many causes that both clubs support.
The Emo and District Lions, for instance, will be donating the money they raised to Kidsight, the Lions Dog Guides of Canada, and several other causes at their annual mid-winter convention which is being held at Fortune Bay Casino.