Cost-share program can boost farm performance

By Gary Sliworsky, Ag rep, Emo

The Canada-Ontario Farm Stewardship Program (COFSP) is the cost-share program associated with the Canada-Ontario Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) and can help you boost economic, production, and environmental performance on your farm.
You will need a peer-reviewed third-edition EFP Action Plan to access COFSP cost share for program Year 2.
Quick facts for Year 2 (2010-11):
•Project proposal applications for program Year 2 should be available Jan. 15;
•Projects started on or after Sept. 15, 2009 may be eligible for cost-share;
•Cost-share for Best Management Practices (BMP) category 28, Livestock Mortality Management, has been extended for three years at 30 percent; and
•All other eligible BMP and program procedures remain the same as program Year 1.
Anyone who has attended a workshop, completed the EFP book, and has had their plan reviewed by the Peer Review Committee is invited to apply.
Speak to your local program representative for details, or contact the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association at 1-800-265-9751.
COFSP details also are available by visiting
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Many of you involved with horses likely will know of Dr. Bob Wright. After 31 years as a devoted civil servant, Dr. Wright retired from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs on Oct. 30.
Bob began his career with the provincial government in 1978, when, as a brand new graduate, he accepted the position of lead veterinarian in a government-owned, mixed-animal practice, North Cochrane Veterinary Clinic, in Kapuskasing.
In 1986, Bob and his family moved to Guelph, where he began his new role as an equine extension veterinarian.
Over the course of time, he added the alternate species portfolio, which included farmed cervids, rabbits, ratites, and mink.
During his career, Bob was a prolific author, preparing more than 150 fact sheets and more than 500 snippets for his “Horse News and Views” columns.
He also carried out research on alsike clover poisoning in horses, ergot alkaloid toxicity in pregnant mares, hay and mold evaluation in horse hay, and Aleutian disease in farmed mink.
Bob was instrumental in developing sampling protocols to test for chronic wasting disease (CWD) in cervids—a disease which, to date, has not been found in Ontario herds.
He was a popular speaker at equine, cervid, and rabbit information meetings in Canada and internationally.
In his retirement, Bob plans to spend time with his family and continue some of his research projects, in addition to running his small animal practice and catching up on his riding.
Dates to remember
•Jan. 20–Rainy River Cattlemen’s Association annual meeting, 7 p.m., in Stratton; and
•Jan. 29–Grower pesticide safety course, Emo (call 1-800-652-8573 to register).

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