Cash calendar winners

It was a Valentine’s Day windfall for Stan Peterson of Sleeman, who won the $500 up for grabs on Feb. 14 in the Rainy River District Mutual Aid Association’s weekly cash calendar draw.
Winning $30 for the week of Feb. 10-16 Amil Alexiuk Sr. (Atikokan), Betty Jo Campbell (Atikokan), Denis Duhamel (Atikokan), Emily Anderson (Victoria, B.C.), Elaine Larocque (Pinewood), Allan and Shirley Teeple (Emo), and Mary-Anne Kitchen (Atikokan).
Winning $30 for Feb. 3-9 were Jim and Yvonne Kellar (Devlin), Frank Semple (Dorion), Chrissy White (Georgetown, Ont.), Tammy and Tony Armstrong (Stratton), David and Karen Green (Fort Frances), Donna Lind (Atikokan), and Ken Vangel (Thunder Bay).