The Muskie boys’ hockey team will host Dryden in NorWOSSA action tonight (Dec. 22) at 7:30 p.m. at the Ice for Kids Arena.
A teen dance will be held tonight (Dec. 22) from 9 p.m.-midnight at “The Dungeon” in International Falls (located in the basement of Backus Auditorium).
Larry Loyie, an award-winning First Nations’ author, will hold a book-signing Saturday, Dec. 23 from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Betty’s.
The 19th-annual community Christmas dinner will be held Monday, Dec. 25 from noon-2 p.m. at the New Beginnings Fellowship (next to the Lakeview Trailer Court).
The Times’ office will be closed Dec. 25-26. Look for the next edition of the Daily Bulletin on Wednesday, Dec. 27 and then the last issue of the Times in 2006 on Thursday, Dec. 28. Merry Christmas, everyone!
The annual “Polar Plunge,” organized by the Voyageur Lions Club of Fort Frances, will be held Monday, Jan. 1 starting at 1 p.m. by the Rendez-Vous dock. Pledge forms are available at Edward Jones, B•93 FM, La Place Rendez-Vous, and North American Lumber.
The M.E.C. winter/spring fishing derby (lake trout only) will run from Jan. 1-May 31, Weigh-in will be at Rainy Lake Sports.
The NHL Legends will play Hopper’s Bruins on Friday, Jan. 19 at 8 p.m. at the Ice for Kids Arena. Tickets cost $15 in advance, which are available at Skates & Blades, Cooper Chiropractic, Lakeland Personnel, Bob Mainville, and Bruins’ players. Proceeds to go towards the CT Scanner fundraising campaign.
The second-annual “Chefs Charitable Dinner & Auction,” hosted by the district Alzheimer Society, will be held Sunday, Jan. 21 at 5 p.m. at the Fort Frances Curling Club. Tickets cost $50 each (a $25 tax receipt will be issued), which are available now at the Adventure Inn, Emo Inn, La Flambée, and Lee Garden, or by calling 1-800-682-0245.

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