Dear sir:
Last Friday, our fellow native Canadians held their annual fish fry.
I have said it before, and I will say it again, it is very nice of these people to share their beautiful harvest with us. I hope this custom can prevail for another quarter-century, or as long as fish stock lasts.
The fish may not last as the native Canadians are killing millions of potential fish in the eggs of the spawning walleye before the season opens.
There is something wrong with this scenario. Our Ministry of Natural Resources spends thousands of dollars trying to apprehend people catching and keeping walleye over and under the slot size, and here we have millions of potential walleyes killed before they even spawn.
Why do we have a closed season?
I do admire our native people for their love of nature. Last night, for example, I drove by Pither’s Point (where the golf course used to be) and there were five deer grazing in the brush there, mallard ducks sitting in the puddles, and a dog chasing rabbits.
This was far nicer than seeing mechanical cut grass and plain green fields with no wildlife on it.
Again, I thank our native Canadians for their generosity and their foresight in letting the old golf course go back to nature.
Allan Kielczewski