To the editor,
As a concerned citizen, I am writing to express my frustration about the lack of accessibility in our downtown area during the winter months.
The excessive snowfall has made it extremely difficult for seniors, disabled residents and loyal shoppers to navigate the sidewalks and enter stores. The snowplows have piled snow onto the curbs making it impossible for people to open car doors or access the sidewalks. Many seniors and disabled individuals rely on canes, walkers or wheelchairs to get around, but the current conditions are treacherous. How can we expect our vulnerable citizens to support local businesses when it is not safe?
It is the responsibility of our town’s authorities to ensure that the downtown area is accessible and safe for everyone. I urge our town officials to take immediate action to clear the curbs and sidewalks and develop a plan to prevent this in the future. Who is responsible for the downtown area, the BIA or the town?
– Sherry Loveday