Dear editor:
The public is allowed protection of our natural resources, which supposedly is depended on our Ministry of Natural Resources.
But with the First Nations fishing at will with no limits, the communities in full control of fishing tournaments, and with the MNR handcuffed on full control of protecting our resources, we soon could find ourselves in another crisis like the one that was responsible for reducing our limits in all species of fish to where it could deprive tourism—our second-largest industry—to a much lower level.
Thank God we have dedicated conservationists like Darrel G. Kroeker and Allan Kielczewski to speak out on their thoughts on a subject that, in time, could be very difficult to heal.
The Grand Banks off Newfoundland is a valid example of a fishery that was extremely bountiful and was thought it would last forever.
Now the fisheries there is a dead issue, putting that area in a state of poverty due to the over-harvesting of fish by local and non-invited fishing boats from other parts of the world.
We surely cannot afford to wait until it happens to our part of the country, but we are going to need help from other concerned conservationists, as well.
Michael J. Baranowski
Nestor Falls, Ont.