To the editor:
I’m Bob Cottam, they guy with the plaid tam that you see on occasion and who contributes to the Times occasionally.
Some time ago, a friend of mine gave me a clipping entitled “What is a customer?” Having operated a business, namely Red Deer Lodge at Nestor Falls, for more than 50 years and looking back on the operation of that very successful business, I found that we followed these rules very closely–and probably can attribute our success for doing so.
Now I am not aiming this at any business but share it merely as food for thought to those who are in business. We tend to lose track of little things, or big things such as “What is a customer?”
All one has to do is put yourself in the customer’s place (if you have a business) and you will find this clipping to be very true, especially if we are honest with our answer.
Bob Cottam
“What is a Customer?”
A customer is the most important person in any business.
A customer is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him.
A customer is not an interruption of our work. He is the purpose of it.
A customer does us a favour when he comes in. We aren’t doing him a favour by waiting on him.
A customer is part of our business–not an outsider. A customer is not just money in the cash register. He is a human being with feelings and deserves to be treated with respect.
A customer is a person who comes to us with his needs and his wants. It is our job to fill them.
A customer deserves the most courteous attention we can give him. He is the life blood of this and every business. He pays your salary. Without him, we would have to close our doors. Don’t ever forget it.