Dear Mr. Editor:
Thank God there are enough candidates running in the Fort Frances municipal election. I say this because of the lack of integrity, openness, and credibility the present council displayed in its decisions over the last few years.
Here are some examples:
(a). When the Northern Action Group wanted to review public documents as to the building and costs of the Front Street condominiums, they were blocked on every request.
These documents/books remain closed to the public to this date. Why?
(b). When council called a public meeting (at the arena) to discuss the purchase of the old Fort Frances Clinic and enter into a new Family Health Team concept for care, every resident attending this public meeting was promised full disclosure and future input prior to a decision being made.
The council then informed the public, when challenged by taxpayers after the meeting, that there would not be a full and open public debate, no public input, no public access to information, and no public participation—and the general public had no right to demand to participate.
The only information to the public was what council wanted to tell you. Council refused to release or allow the public to see or review any documents.
The back-door agreements still remain secret today.
Not only did council exclude Fort Frances taxpayers, they filed an application for approval for the Family Health Team approach to the minister of health on behalf of the entire district municipal councils and area First Nations groups—and never even consulted them.
It was just rammed down everyone’s throat.
(c). The issue of the power dam and separation of property from the mill complex, to allow the formation of a power trust company, has severe implications on our mill’s future and possible severe consequences on the preferred rates for electricity as contained in the 1905 power agreement.
If it wasn’t for a local resident catching this and filing for intervener status with the Ontario Energy Board, as well as filing 11 objections with the Ontario Municipal Board, we never would have heard about it until it was a done deal.
Thanks, council, for not sharing this information with us, the public.
Then council refuses to object to the municipal board to protect the livelihood of the mill or to try to protect our 1905 power agreement? Explain that one. Looks like another backroom deal to me.
In closing, I ask the public to stand behind the 1,800 signature petition, filed with council, that expressed this community wanted input, accountability, and transparency in local government, but ignored us.
Are these people representing a special interest? Are they arrogant and just don’t care? Whatever the reason, they are not representing this community’s interest—vote them out!
Yours sincerely,
Bill Krukoski
Fort Frances, Ont.