Dear editor:
My name is Crystal Smith. I am writing to you because I am a very upset individual, and I would like to ask the parents of this community where your child or children were on the evening of Friday, Oct. 27 between 7 and 8 p.m.?
Well, I can tell you that while I went out for a cup of coffee, someone’s child had entered my yard on the 1000 block of Third Street East and proceeded to cut a hole in the side of my newly-purchased, six-foot inflatable standing pumpkin, which I had bought to decorate my yard for the children to enjoy on Hallowe’en.
Every year I look forward to seeing all the children, young and old, dressed up and having a blast. Hallowe’en has to be my favourite holiday of the year. I start decorating almost a whole month in advance and spend at least $60-$70 on treats alone.
I know there are many other members of this community with the same problem over the years—stolen lawn ornaments, broken solar lights, damaged Hallowe’en and Christmas decorations.
I am just wondering what a person has to do in order to get a little justice. So once again, I am asking parents of this community to find out just what your kids are up to!
Thank you,
Crystal Smith
Fort Frances, Ont.
P.S. Happy Hallowe’en.