Very fortunate

Dear editor,
Last week’s editorial caught my eye, or rather struck a nerve. I remember it as being a good thing to be taught from young on, to say, “Thank you,” whether it was for an apple and a piece of bread or on a special occasion, even for an orange or banana.
Our father would remind us children at times, that during or perhaps even after the war, most necessary items like flour to bake bread, were in short supply so that fine sawdust had to be mixed into the flour in order to make it go around.
Bakeries too were hard pressed to keep up with the demand for bread, and some would post a sign: “Old bread is not hard, but no bread is hard.”
I agree with you, Mr. Editor, we certainly should count ourselves as being fortunate to call Canada as our home, and who knows, but the time may arrive here too, when all of us will gladly and thankfully pray: “Give us this day our daily bread.”
Yours truly,
Mark Gerber
Fort Frances Ont.
Editor’s note: Last week’s Canada Day-themed editorial was provided courtesy of the Canadian Press.