Valued support

Dear sir:
The Fort Frances Sportsmen’s Club sincerely appreciates the tremendous support Fort Frances and the district gave to our conservation efforts.
Everyone certainly was behind our major fundraiser, the OFAH Conservation Dinner, which generates money to enable us to carry out our projects.
Because of the generous donations and the many people who attended, the dinner was another huge success.
We thank the artists who donated paintings, carvings, and crafts; the businesses which gave items and monetary contributions; the tourist operators who donated trips; and the individuals who supported us.
As the dinner committee stated in its letters to donors and attendees, money raised is used for various conservation projects. This year, we sent $8,000 to the Northwestern Ontario Elk Restoration Coalition based in Kenora.
Funds also are used to finance our education programs in the local schools. Conservation education is more important today than ever before because it has been omitted from the new elementary science curriculum.
For children living in this area, we feel it is essential that they learn to appreciate our outdoor heritage, and how to protect and maintain habitats for wildlife.
We have committed more than $2,000 for education.
Donations other than for the dinner also are appreciated. Canada Safeway, for instance, has been supportive over the years, this year giving $5,550 to the sportsmen’s club.
This money was raised at its food booth during the Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship back in July. We thank all the employees who volunteered to work at this booth.
The club will use this donation for fish rehabilitation, “Kids for Fishing,” and the Junior Conservation Club.
Not only is the Fort Frances Sportsmen’s Club committed to conservation but its members enjoy working for youth and for the community.
Yours in conservation,
Henry Miller, President,
F.F. Sportsmen’s Club