
Dear Mr. Editor:
I am so angry and frustrated with the members of town council and the stupidity exercised in their wisdom to call a byelection, at a cost to exceed $20,000, when it is not necessary.
Council’s reasoning for a byelection fails when they use the argument that many previous election ballots were counted with less votes than the number of candidates running.
“Pumped” votes are a way of life and occur every election. By the way, council, you were elected by the same ballots you are now criticizing.
Let’s get right down to the truth: this council is simply afraid to have Mr. Perry, Mr. Bedard, or Mr. Wihnan on town council. Why? Is it because Mr. Perry, Mr. Bedard, and Mr. Wihnan are not afraid to let the public know what is going on—and would refuse to rubber stamp an agenda?
Past practice and history dictated a precedent was established in Fort Frances. Remember when Coun. Kelsey Saunders vacated her office and Ron McGregor, the next runner-up in the election, filled the vacancy. Remember when Coun. Gilson passed away and he was replaced by runner-up John Albanese.
A precedent was not only set, it was followed.
My respect for Coun. Albanese has faltered. John received his office, for a vacant council position, because he was first runner-up in the previous municipal election.
For John to now push and vote for a byelection is an unnecessary $20,000 insult to candidate Ken Perry and all Fort Frances taxpayers, especially when he was the beneficiary of the past practice rule.
Thank you, Coun. Wiedenhoeft, for standing tall on this issue. I wish the rest would have followed your lead—and common sense.
I talked to Mr. Perry and Mr. Bedard. Both candidates feel strongly in the line of succession, with Mr. Perry given first choice as our next councillor.
Council is wronging this man and this community. This council must have a rubber stamp friend or buddy they plan on leveraging into this council position. Time will tell.
In further frustration, I personally have no faith in the fox watching over the chicken coop, or put simply, the mail-in ballot process.
The ballots should have nothing to do with the town hall at all. They should be handled by an unbiased outside, independent body, like Dunwoody.
If a byelection is held, with the ballots going through the town hall, I will fight this with all my being. Message served.
In closing, I wish to make two quick points:
Mr. Mayor (Roy Avis), I can’t find the “Mayor’s Desk” articles you promised to submit bi-weekly to our newspaper. I understand you are very busy with your business, and keeping up with town business is a difficult task, but a promise is a promise.
And members of council, if you are so adamant a byelection is necessary, maybe those of you who voted to go in that direction should subtract the byelection costs from your councillor and mayor salary.
The taste may be a little easier to swallow.
Thank you,
Bill Krukoski
201 Sixth St. W.,
Fort Frances, Ont.