Unfair pay hike

Dear editor:  
The McGuinty government extended the legislative session one more week earlier this month so they could give themselves a 25 percent salary increase before Christmas.
Injured workers rallied in a number of communities seeking the same treatment only the previous week. The government representatives, from the minister of labour on down, said they are studying this issue.
Over the last three years, this government has said they can’t afford it, they are worried about the long term impact, and the employer lobby is too strong.
Why is it that this government is so eager to give themselves a raise, to more than $110,000 per year, while those workers with a permanent injury, who are mainly unemployed and living in poverty, see their benefits decreased by inflation each year.
You may not know that there are roughly 340,000 workers in Ontario who have a permanent disability from a workplace injury or disease. A number of research studies consistently have identified high unemployment in this group of 50-80 percent.
Since 1996, injured workers have lost more than 22 percent of the value of their pensions to inflation. If big business in our province isn’t willing to employ injured workers who are hurt making those businesses a profit, then those loyal workers shouldn’t be forced into poverty as a result.
Two MPPs—one Liberal and one NDP—already have introduced bills to restore full cost of living protection for permanently-disabled workers. The government easily could pass these bills, along with the one for their own pay increase, before Christmas.
It seems to me that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
It’s time this government stands up for the most vulnerable people in our province and not just the folks already on the top.
Steve Mantis
Thunder Bay
Injured Workers
Support Group