TV listings lacking

Dear sir:
I confess! I like to watch television. What I don’t like is our TV guide.
In my opinion, it leaves a lot to be desired. First, it is not a complete listing as it only goes to midnight, and I’m sure some of the stations have programming later than that.
Also, the listings are in short form so the viewer must guess what the programs are. Furthermore, the printing is so small it is difficult to read.
I called Videon to complain and was told that they did not publish a guide because the local paper uses the guide to help sell newspapers and they do not want to be in competition with the paper. As well, they stated that probably the only guide they would consider is a scrolling channel on TV, and the rates would increase if they did that since it is a costly procedure.
I then contacted the Times and was informed that they run the guide as a service to the community. When I suggested that they publish a booklet with more complete and legible listings, they replied that there was not enough advertising to support one and that the TV subscribers are reluctant to pay extra for it.
I find it difficult to believe that I am the only person in Fort Frances who is dissatisfied with this service. I’m sending a letter of complaint, along with a copy of this letter to the manager of Videon in Winnipeg.
If there are other viewers who feel the same as I do, why not let your feelings be known and maybe we can find a solution to what I consider a problem that will be suitable to all concerned.
Thank you,
Lenore Cates