Dear sir:
We, at Muskie Theatre, are writing neither to support nor to refute the events that happened at the high school on Friday, Nov. 12. Rather, we are writing this letter to tell you, the readers of this paper, what is good about our school and the people in it.
The first thing we would like to mention is that the new school is so much better to look at. There are no heating pipes or water pipes shooting out of the walls or ceilings. There are no brown water stains on the ceiling in the gym, and the classrooms do not have peeling paint or chips out of the walls.
Of course, the best part for us here in the Muskie drama program is the brand new Townshend Theatre. The sound booth, catwalk, and even the stage itself is more than a vast improvement from the stage in the old large gym. Even little things–like a curtain without holes in it to real dressing rooms with working makeup lights, not to mention a wonderful sound system and orchestra pit–are appreciated beyond words by the performers who use them.
We also know the audience will enjoy sitting in comfortable, permanent seats instead of hard, wooden ones which move about and pull at clothes.
As for the people who work and teach in our school, we think they are some of the best high school teachers in Canada. Every day they do their best to teach us in a safe and a secure environment. They also do their best to make everything they do fair and with the best interests of the students in mind.
In closing, we hope we have shown our personal views of what is great about the new school.
Thank you,
Ali Agar and
Charles Fisher
Team captains,
Muskie Theatre