Support crucial

Naomi McNeill

Dear editor:
Re: “Help someone take that first step” (Publisher’s Pen, Jan. 6).
I commend this writer on highlighting the importance of encouraging others to quit smoking. As he mentions, breaking this strong addiction can be a process.
However, the road to quitting—and enjoying the health benefits of a smoke-free lifestyle—begins with a first step.
The writer encourages us to help our friends and family members who smoke to quit. One approach in doing this is to become a support buddy in the “Driven to Quit Challenge,” an annual campaign hosted by the Canadian Cancer Society in support of a Smoke-Free Ontario.
Entrants in the “Driven to Quit Challenge” can quit smoking or tobacco use for the month of March for their chance to win great prizes, such as a new hybrid vehicle, vacation, and more.
Support buddies of entrants also can walk away with a prize—a $200 MasterCard gift card.
Since 2006, more than 101,000 entrants have taken the “Challenge.” Many participants write to say their true prize was quitting smoking, and that the “Challenge” gave them the motivation they needed to make a quit attempt.
The “Driven to Quit Challenge” just may provide the opportunity you need to talk about quitting with your family and friends.
Ontarians can challenge a tobacco user they know to quit at
You can register online or by calling the Smokers’ Helpline at 1-877-513-5333.
Naomi McNeill
Senior co-ordinator,
Ontario North West region,
Canadian Cancer Society
Smokers’ Helpline