Standing idly by

Dear sir:
The Echo Lake subdevelopment agreement has yet to be signed. We regret to inform potential purchasers that building lots cannot be sold until the agreement has been signed.
The township has been advised that “. . . it would not be wise to proceed towards concluding the subdivision agreement when one of the principal issues required to be covered by the subdivision agreement is the installation of the underground drainage pipe” from the lagoon to Everett Creek.
Yet another winter is fast-approaching and the building season once more will be over.
Petitions have been circulated around the village of Emo regarding a legal proceeding which has been commenced against the township, which was named by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy in a third-party claim.
By signing the petition, residents are directing the township to take a leadership role and resolve the problem of the drainage ditch and thereby avoid very costly litigation which possibly could affect all current and future residents from owning homes in Emo.
Meanwhile, one new home has been built on the property. Sixty-nine fully-serviced lots stand idly by, meaning a loss of revenue by way of taxes to the town, local businesses, and the developer.
Yours truly,
Wendy Judson
Echo Lake Estates Ltd.